Welcome to the Adventure!

Thank you for taking the time to look at our humble site for our new culinary adventure.

Our family has always been food focused. Many of life’s major events revolve around food. From holidays to celebrations, food has been a major player. Growing up food was also a form of entertainment. Trying a new restaurant was always a highlight. Trying new dishes always fills the mind with hope of something great. So it was not crazy when Drake decided that he wanted to take Culinary as a part of his schooling. Kat has always liked to cook and enjoys food just as much as myself. We have also been very entrepreneurial over the years and have had a few companies. Drake has grown up in that environment and seen how it is to be your own boss from his parents. These thing came together with Kat deciding that maybe we can take her love of cooking, Drake’s learning of culinary arts, and my business acumen and start a new venture. One that we can build up over some time, and be able to help establish something that Drake can take over.
With that plan, we started looking into the idea of a food truck. For those that know me, that means a lot of research. We spent time looking at the market of food trucks, and trying to figure out what we would make. There are a lot of great food truck options out on the roads, but we did not want to do something that was over done. We also do not have any real special cuisine of our lineage that we could specialize in that we really enjoyed. So after lots of discussions we decided that the humble potato would be a great place to focus. And thus the concept was born. Potato is a part of cuisine all over the world in many dishes, side dishes, and even deserts. So we thought lets take the potato, and make it the star. Show its versatility, and even take some liberties to fuse flavors or present the potato in different ways.
Now we have more ideas then time and capacity. So we are planning to have a base line set of items that are for sell every day. Then we will add in specials of the month for things that are more creative. If they do well we may even rotate some of those into everyday cycle. We will be vegetarian friendly but still have options for the meat eaters. We are wanting to do as much from scratch and fresh as we can, and looking for local produce and supplies where we can get them. We want this to be fun and interesting, and tasty most of all.
So thanks for your interest and we hope that you follow along on our journey and enjoy what we have prepared.

Brian Stone
(Sou Chef/Dish Washer/Minion/CFO/Father/Husband)